Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems 二政治体制の物語
Interested in how the Chinese government works? Want to hear this guy appeal to the masses about a one party system?
Do you want to read about it IN JAPANESE!?
Knock yourself out
*This is a personal translation, not a professional one. If my Japanese is incorrect or incomprehensible, please do not hesitate to comment.
[ted id=1778]
Good morning, My name is Eric li and I was born here. But no, I wasn’t born there. This was where I was born: Shanghai at the height of the cultural revolution. My grandmother told me she heard the sound of gunfire along with the sound of my first cries.
おはようございます。Eric Liと申します。私はここで(現代上海の写真)生まれました。いや、ここじゃないですね。ここです(上海の昔の写真)、文化革命の真っ最中に生まれました。おばあちゃんから聞きましたが、私の初泣きを聞くとともに、発砲の音もありました。
When I was growing up, I was told a story that explained all I ever needed to know about humanity. It went like this. All human societies grow in linear progression, beginning with primitive society, then slave society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, and finally guess where we end up? Communism ! Sooner or later, all of humanity, regardless of culture or language, will arrive at this final stage of political and social development. The entire people on Earth will be united together and live happily ever after.
But before we get there, we are engaged in the struggle between good and evil. The good of socialism of against the evil of capitalism and the good shall triumph. That, of course, was the meta-narrative distilled from the theories of Karl Marx. And the Chinese bought it. We were taught that grand story day in and day out, it became a part of us and we believed in it. The story was a bestseller. About 1/3 of the world’s population lived under that meta-narrative.
この物語を実現する前、現在我々は善悪の争いに携われています。悪の資本主義に対し、社会主義が必ず勝利します。もちろん、これはKarl Marxの理論から出てきた物語です。その後、中国人もこの物語を聞いた後、採用しました。私は毎日この物語を聞いて、この物語は自分の一部になって、我々は真剣に信じるようになりました。この物語はベストセラーになりました。世界の三分の一はこの物語の下で生きて行きました。
Then the world changed overnight. As for me, disillusioned by the failed religion of my youth, I went to America and became a Berkeley hippie (laugh). Now, as I was coming of age, something else happened. As if one big story wasn’t enough, I w as told another one. This one was just as grand. It also claimed that all human societies progress in a linear fashion toward a singular end. This one went as follows.
All societies, regardless of culture, bet it Christian, Muslim, confusion, must progress from traditional societies in which groups are the basic units to modern societies in which atomized individuals are the sovereign units, and these individuals are by definition, rational. And they all want one thing: the vote. Because they are rational, once given the vote, they produce good government and live happily ever after. Paradise on earth again. Sooner or later, electoral democracy will be the only political system for all countries and all people with a free market to make them all rich.
But before we get there, we’re engaged in a struggle between good and evil (laugh) The good belongs to those who are democracies and are charged with a mission of spreading it around the globe. Sometimes by force, against the evil of those who do not hold elections.
Bush Sr.: A New World Order 世界の新体制
Bush: ending tyranny in our world 暴政を終了させよう
Obama: A single standard for all who would hold power. 権力を持つ人物に、唯一の体制を
(Shows President Bush Picture, “Mission Accomplished.”)
This story also became a bestseller. According to the freedomhouse, the number of democracies went from 45 in 1970 to 150 in 2010. In the last 20 years, western elites tirelessly trotted the globe selling this perspective. Multiple parties fight for political power and everyone voting on them, is the only path of salvation to the long suffering, developing world. Those who buy the prospectus are destined for success, those who do not are destined to fail. But this time, the Chinese didn’t buy it. Fool me once.
The rest is history.
In just 30 years, China went one of the poorest agricultural countries in the world to the second largest economy. 650 million people were lifted out of party. 80% of the world’s poverty alleviation within that period happened in china. In other words, all the new and old democracies put together amounted to a mere fraction of what a single, one-party state did without voting.
See, I grew up on this stuff. Food stamps. Meat was rationed to a few 100 grams per person per month at one time. Of course, I ate my grandmother’s portion.
So I asked myself, what’s wrong with this picture? Here I am in my hometown, my business growing leaps and bounds, entrepreneurs are starting companies every day, middle class is expanding in speed and scale unprecedented in human history. But according to the grand story, none of this should be happening.
自分自身に思いました。今の一党の背景で、何の問題がありますでしょう? 自分のふるさと(上海)にいて、ビジネスがどんどん拡大しに行き、企業家がここに来て、毎日に新会社も設立しています。人類の歴史上はじめて、中産階級はこんなに早く拡大しています. しかし、大物語に従って、こんなことは起こらないはずでしたが…
So I went and did the only thing I could, I studied it. Yes, China is a one party state run by the Chinese communist party, the party. And they don’t hold elections. 3 assumption are made by the dominant political theories of our time: such a system is operationally rigid, politically closed, and morally illegitimate. Well, the assumptions are wrong. The opposites are true. Adaptability, meritocracy and legitimacy, are the three defining characteristics of the Chinese one party system.
Most political scientists will tell us that a one party system is inherently incapable of self correction. It won’t last long because it cannot adapt. In 64 years of running the largest country in the world, the range of the party’s policies have been wider than any other country in recent memory. From radical land collectivization to the great leap forward, privatization of farmland, and then the cultural revolution, then Deng Xiaping’s market reform, then successor Jiang Zemin took the giant political step of opening up party membership to private business people, something unimaginable in Mao’s rule.
ほとんどの政治学者は、一党独裁国は基本的に自己補正することが出来ないと思っています。なぜならば、適応することが出来ないです。64年の間では、共産党は世界の最大国を管理する上、自分の方針を修正する幅は、他の国より全然広いです。農業集団化から大躍進制作まで、農地の民営化から文化革命まで、Deng Xiao Pingの市場補正が行った後Jiang Zeminは政治的な一歩を踏まえ、共産党の会員の位置を民間事業に提供しました。Maoの時代では、このような方針が存在することの創造できなかったです。
So the party self corrects in rather dramatic fashions. Institutionally new rule gets enacted to correct previous dysfunctions. For example, term limits. Political leaders used to retain their positions for life, and they used that to accumulate power and perpetuate rules. Mao was the father of China yet the prolonged rule led to disastrous mistakes. So the party instituted term limits with mandatory retirement age of 68 to 70. One thing we often hear is political reforms has lagged far behind economic reforms and China is in need of political reform. But this plan is a political trap hidden behind a political bias.
See, some have decided a priority what kind of changes they want to see, and only such changes can be called political reform. The truth is political reform have never stopped, compared with 30-20-10 years ago, every aspect of Chinese society, how the country is governed from the most local level to the highest center are unrecognizable today. Now these changes are not possible without political reforms of the most fundamental kind. I would venture to suggest that the party is the world’s leading expert in political reform.
The second suggestion is that in a one party state, power gets concentrated in the hands of the few and bad governance and corruption follow. Indeed, corruption is a big problem, but first let’s look at the larger context. This might be counter intuitive to you, but the party happens to be one of the most meritocratic political institutions in the world today. China’s highest ruling body, the polybureau has 25 members. In the most recent one, only 5 of them came from a background of privilege, so called prince ling, the other 20, including the president and premier, came from entirely ordinary backgrounds. In the larger central committee of 300 or more, the percentage of those born into power and wealth was even smaller. The vast majority of senior Chinese leaders worked an competed their way to the top. Compare that with the ruling elite in both developed and under developed countries, you’ll find the party being in the top of upward mobility.
二番目の仮定は、一党独裁国において全部の力が数人の手に入ると、最悪の政治家が就任される上、腐敗が普及します。確かに、腐敗は大きい問題ですが、始めに、遠くから見てみましょう。直観と相いれない考えかもしれないですが、共産党は世界の最も能力主義政治の一つです。中国の高級与党、polybureau、は25人の会員がいます。最近のpolybureauでは、25人の中に5人は富裕な家族環境がありますが、そのほかの20人は普通の家族環境があります。中央委員会の中300人が入っており、その中には富裕の家族環境を持つ%は更に低いです。 中国のほとんどのリーダーはトップになる為に競争しました。発展した国と発展途上の国のトップ・イリートと比べてみたら、共産党の上昇志向は更に高いです。
The question is, how could it be possible in a system run by one party? Now we come to a powerful political institution little known to westernerns, the party’s orgniaization department. The department functions like a giant HR engine, that would be the envy of some of the most successful corps. It operates a rotating pyramid, made up of 3 components. Civil service, state owned enterprises and social organizations. They form separate yet integrated career paths for Chinese officials. They recruit college grad into entry level positions into all 3 tracks, and they start from the bottom kuyen, then they get promoted through 4 increasingly elite ranks. Fuke, ke, fuchu and chu. Now these are not moves from the karate kid, its serious business. The range of positions is wide, from running health care in a village to foreign investment in a city district to manager in a company.
疑問は、一党独裁国ではこんなことは本当に出来るのか?欧米人があまり知らない組織についてご紹介いただきたいと思います:共産党の構成部門。この部門は大きいHRエンジンと同じように働きます。転回するピラミッドの体制があり、そのピラミッドの中に3つの部分があります:官公庁、国有企業、それから社会組織です。役員のキャリア道を作る為、この3つの部分は単独になる同時にお互いに統合します。大学の卒業生や初心者を採用し、3つの部分に分け合います。初級レベルは「kuyen」、[kuyen]の後4つの高級ランクに昇進することができます。「fuke」[ke][fuchu]と[chu]。これはkarate kidの技術名ではない(笑)これはまじめな仕事です!位置の幅が広いです。例えば、ある方は農地でヘルスキャーを管理する同時に、他の方は外資系の投資を管理しています。
Once a year the dept reviews their performance. They interview their superiors, their peers, their subordinates. They vet their personal conduct. They conduct public opinion surveys and promote winners. Throughout their career they can move through all three tracks, the good ones move beyond the 4 base levels to the fuju and ju level. There, they enter high officialdom. By that point a typical assignment will be to manage a district with population in the millions, or a company with 100s of millions of dollars in revenue. Just to show you how competitive the system is, in 2012 there were 900,000 fuke and ke levels, 600,000 fuchu and chu levels, and only 40,000 fuju and ju level. After the ju level, the best few move up several ranks and eventually make it to the central committee. The process takes 2 to 3 decades. Does patronage play a role? Of course. But merit remains the fundamental driver. In essence, the organization dept runs a modernized version of china’s centuries old mandarin system. China’s new president xijiping is son of a former leader, first of his kind to make a top job. Even for him the career took 30 years. He started as a village manager and by the time he entered the polybureau he managed areas and villages with 150m people and combined GPDs of 1.5 trillion USD.
Please don’t get me wrong, this is not a putdown of anyone, it’s a statement of fact. George w bush, remember him? Not a put down! Before coming governor of Texas, or Barack Obama before running for president, they could not even a small county manager in China’s system. Winston Churchill once said that democracy is a terrible system except for all the rest. Well, apparently he hadn’t heard of the organization department.
Now westerns always assume that multi party election with universal suffrage is the only source of political legitimacy. I was asked once, the party wasn’t voted in by election, where is the source of legitimacy? I said, how about competency? We all know the facts, in 1949 when the party took power china was mired in civil wars dismembered by foreign aggression… average life expectancy at that time was 41 years old. Today, it’s the 2nd largest economy in the world and its industrial powerhouse and people live in increasing prosperity. Pure research post Chinese public attitudes here are the recent numbers.
Satisfaction with the direction of the country 95%. Those who think they’re better off than 5 years ago 70%. Those who expect the future to be better, 82%. Financial time posting global youth attitudes and these numbers, brand new, just came from last week. 93% of china’s generation y is optimistic about their country’s future. Now, if this is not legitimacy, I’m not sure what is. In contrast, what most electoral democracies are suffering from dismal performance. I don’t know need to elaborate how dysfunctional it is from US and EU capitals. With a few exceptions, the vast number of various developing countries who have developed electoral regimes are still suffering from poverty and civil strife. Governments get elected and fall below 50% approval, stay there, and get lose until the next election.
国の方向に満足している国民は95%です。5年前、更によい状況があった方は70%。将来は更によくなる方は82%。金融タイムズは、世界中の若者の態度について調査を行い、その最新数字を公開したいと思います。中国の「Generation Y」は、国の未来に対して積極的な態度を持つ方は93%。もしこれは証拠ではなければ、証拠は一体なにか私には分からないですね。他の選挙の民主主義と比べたら、民主主義の評価の方が低いですね。USAとUKの資本主義はどのぐらい悪化したか説明する必要はありません。数少ない例外の国意外、ほとんどの選挙するシステムを採用された発展途上国は、国内戦争と貧困で苦しんでいます。パーターンは、政治を選んだ後、その政治の評価は50%以下を下がり、そのままに続け、次の選挙で新政治を選びます。
Democracy is becoming a perpetual cycle of elect and regret. At this rate, I’m afraid it is democracy not China’s one party system that is in danger of losing legitimacy. Now, I don’t want to create the impression that China’s hunky dory and is going to be a superpower. The country faces enormous challenges. Social and economic problems that come with this wrenching change are mind boggling. Pollution is one, food safety, population issues. On the political front, it’s corruption. Corruption is widespread and undermines the system and its moral legitimacy. But most analysis misdiagnosis this disease. They say that corruption is a result of the one party system, but in order to do away with you have to do away with the whole system.
But a more careful look tells use otherwise. Transparency international ranks China among 70~80 in recent years among 170 countries. And it’s been moving up. India, the largest democracy in the world, 94 and dropping. For the 100 or so countries ranked below China, more than half of them are electoral democracies. So if election is the panacea for corruption, how come these countries can’t fix it.
細かく見ると、事実が見えてきます。Transperancy Internationalは、170々国の中、中国は70-80の位置にランクされています。その上、位置もますます上がっています。インド、世界中の最大民主主義の国は、94にランクされ、位置は落ちています。中国の下にランクされている100国は、半分以上は民主主義です。もし腐敗と言う病気の医療は選挙というなら、なぜこの国の問題はなかなか解決されないのか。
Now, I’m a venture capitalist, I make bets, it wouldn’t be fair to end this talk without putting myself on the line and make some predictions. In the next 10 years, China will surpass the USA and become the largest economy in the world. Income per capita will be near the top of all developing countries. Corruption will be curved, but not eliminated. And China will move up 10 to 20 notches to above 60 in TI ranking. Economic reform will accelerate, political reform will continue, and the one party system will continue.
We live in the dusk of an era. Meta-narrative that make universal claims failed us in the 20th century, and are failing us in the 21st. Meta-narrative is the cancer that is killing democracy from the inside. Now, I want to clarify something. I am not here to make an indictment of democracy, on the contrary I think democracy contributed to the rise of the west and creation of the modern world. It is the universal claim that the western elites are making about their political system, their hubris, that is at the heart of the western ills. If they will spend a little less time on trying to force their way onto others and spend more time on political reform on home, they might give their democracy a fighting chance.
China’s political model will never supplant electoral democracy because unlike the latter, it doesn’t pretend to be universal. It cannot be exported. But that is the point precisely. The significance is not that it provides an alternative, but the demonstration that the alternatives exist. Let us draw to a close this era of meta-narratives. Communism and democracy may both be laudable ideas, but the era of their dogmatic universalism is over. Let us stop telling us and our children that there is only way to govern ourselves in a singular future in which all societies must evolve. It is wrong. It is irresponsible and worst of all, it is boring. Let universality make way for plurality. Perhaps a more interesting age is upon us. Are we brave enough to welcome it? Thank you.